About Me

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Vancouver, Canada
Originally from a small seaside town in the North of England, I lived and worked in France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and the Maldive Islands before moving to Canada in 1995 - where I intended to stay 'just a couple of years'. Well, I'm still here. I live with my fabulous (Canadian) husband, Lorne, in Vancouver's Westside, close to beaches & downtown. We opted for kitties over kids and are proud parents to 3 wonderful rescues; Mel & Louis, who we adopted in 2010, and little miss Ella, who joined us in 2013. I miss my family in the UK but luckily my sister and best friend, Victoria, lives just down the street with her family. I remain very European at heart and would love to move back there, even for a while. Hopefully I'll convince Lorne & the kitties one day. Besides, I'm fluent in French & German but rarely get chance to use either here. Outside of work I love photography, writing, making cards, working out, camping, kayaking, horse riding & most things really. I've always been an animal lover, support several animal protection organizations and haven't eaten meat in 27 years.
Words To Live By:
We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words. Anna Seawell (Author of Black Beauty)

Jul 31, 2013

Various Updates on This 'n' That

I thought I'd do an update on a few things I've posted about over recent months, not that I've anything massive or particularly mind-blowing to report, just the usual blather, I guess:

Tamoxifen Update - 8 months on
I first started taking Tamoxifen mid-November last year and was quite panicked about potential side-effects; primarily, being pushed into early menopause and also possible weight gain. In January I was pleased to post a positive two-month update on just how the treatment was going. And suddenly here we are, last day of July, and I realize I meant to do a 6-month update....two months ago! So, for anyone interested, here's how it's going:
  1. Overall: On the whole, still feeling pretty good and no strong or particularly adverse side-effects. Yay!
  2. Eyesight: I do feel like my eyesight's deteriorated quite a lot, I'm struggling to read menus, labels, texts and other such small print, which I'm finding incredibly frustrating. Admittedly it might purely be age (having hit the mid-forties point in May - eeek), but I also know that it can definitely be a side-effect of the medication and I intend to mention it at my next appointment with the oncologist in September.
  3. Hot flashes: Thankfully still no hot flashes to report, nothing really noticeable anyway, and even the night sweats are taking a welcome break at the moment, which is odd since the weather's been so hot and the nights very muggy lately.
  4. Monthlies: My periods have stretched from being every 32 days to about 37 lately, but no noticeable difference otherwise.
  5. Weight: I've gained weight lately. Well, it's more that I appear to have re-gained the 7 or so pounds that I lost in the first few months of this year and similarly the inches are creeping back up too. I'm still working out regularly and haven't changed my eating but I've certainly felt pudgier and generally bloated for the last several months which may/may not be down to being on Tamoxifen that bit longer. Bugger - because I was really enjoying looking and feeling much leaner, energetic and in great shape. I felt better in my clothes (although some were getting a bit too big on me). Even my ex-figure-skater bubble-bum is visibly making a comeback. I wasn't trying to get rid of it but, now that it's making a re-apperance, I'm not too happy about it. Besides, if I known I'd add back the 7lbs then I would have at least stuffed my face full of cakes, muffins & fish 'n' chips! Nothing more frustrating than inexplicable weight gain :-(
  6. Skin/acne: I don't know if it's related to hormones or tamoxifen, since I always believed testosterone not estrogen to be the main hormonal culprit of acne breakouts, but I'm tentatively pleased to say my skin has been noticeably clearer the past 6 months or so - perhaps the longest I've gone without using some sort of prescription cream, tablets or stinky tea-tree oil. I've suffered breakouts to a lesser or much greater degree my whole life (so much for 'growing out of it when you're 18'!). Believe me, I've had some ugly and severe bouts of acne in my time (though thankfully bear very few physical scars) and wonder if this significant improvement is in any part due to the Tamoxifen or else the amazing natural product 'Pure Tamanu Oil' that I discovered early this year, which makes my skin feel great and is quite possibly delivering its well-reputed and very gentle acne-fighting properties. I don't know for sure but I'm certainly thrilled with my skin lately and it's a huge novelty to report that I very rarely have breakouts lately. I'd highly recommend pure Tamanu Oil (I've tried the Aura Cacia brand at approx CAD $17 to $30 for a 30ml bottle, which I find lasts 4-6 months even using it twice a day).
Other than that, no real change on Tamoxifen. Admittedly I'm disappointed about the weight thing, which might seem a little odd given that I've maintained the same weight (132 to 134lbs) for over 15 years but, being 7lbs lighter felt so good, that I'm now feeling uncomfortably chunky being back at my usual weight.

Oh well - so long as the meds are still doing their cancer-fighting job, that's really all I ask.

False Economy? - when thrift store shoes go bad
Back in February I confessed my clandestine penchant for popping tags at thrift stores - 'cos I loves me bargains along with recycling wherever possible. Now that we've moved back to Kits, I have not one, but two Salvation Army thrift stores within a short walk as well as several consignment stores and an SPCA thrift store that I've regularly donated to for years. I've had some great finds for summer clothes; shorts, a dress, jeans, t-shirts etc. despite the fact prices at the Sally Ann are getting ridiculous - name-brand jeans at more than $25 or shoes/boots averaging $20-$45. ("Hellooooo, you do realize you get this stuff donated, right?....as in FREE! And that you're a thrift store not a consignment store.").

Anyhooo, I recently got a bargain-buzz when I found a fabulous pair of brand new, incredibly comfortable, funky black sandals with a cute kitten heel for just $6 at the SPCA store! I got lots of compliments the first day I wore them and knew they'd look great with most everything in my wardrobe. Alas, much to my chagrin, by the end of that first day, a strap on each shoe had clearly started to come away, revealing the glue and elastic underneath. I was so disappointed but remained hopeful it wouldn't get any worse - besides, it's not like the shoes feel tight or pinch my foot anywhere. But.... they are in fact falling apart. Darn, you just can't get good quality for a whole $6 these days, eh?

Since they cost next to nothing and I really like them AND I want to take them on holiday with me next week, I decided to get them repaired....which apparently entailed all 4 thinning straps (2 on each shoe) to be re-stitched at $10/strap. I hesitated but then determined that, even totaling $46, they'd still be worth it...or so I thought. Let's just say it's all turning out to be a grand false economy on my part, the repair looked okay but in reality gave them little more than an hour's extra life. First wear post-repair (I'm a poet) and the exact same thing happened all over again, a design flaw and shoddy work in the shoes' original manufacture I'd say:

Broken straps and dollar-store nail tattoos.

But, not feeling ready to give up on them just yet (especially after spending the additional $40 hoping they'd be fixed), I decided on one last ditch attempt that wouldn't cost me a single penny. Et voilà, the high-tech tools of my latest and greatest shoe repair endeavours:

High-tech tools of the trade.

That's right, I stapled the straps back in place, then used a black permanent marker to colour over the silver staples so they wouldn't show....much. (Blue Peter eat your heart out!)

Staples? Are you kidding me? Like I'd seriously stick my
shoes together with staples! Haha. Whatever next?

And you know what? It worked! You can hardly see the staples at all, the straps have so far stayed put and naturally I'm kicking myself (with said shoes) that I didn't just try this before and save myself the $40 on a wasted repair. Hey, it could be worse, I could have used duct tape!  I don't expect they'll last long and, quite honestly, I don't need them to. I just hope to wear them at least a couple of evenings while we're on holiday, that's all. And if anyone's looking close enough to see I've actually stapled my shoes back together and covered this wardrobe malfunction with black marker pen, then chances are my foot's in their face and there's a whole bigger situation going on anyway, so who cares?

It's not even the first time I've done my own shoe repairs either - I recently discovered I had a pale pink nail-polish that matched an unfortunate scuff in a cute pair of shoes so perfectly that, when I put it on, the scuff simply disappeared from view, just like that! You would honestly never know!

Anyhow, so far it's working much better for me than the time I tried desperately to hold up my lace-top 'stay-up' stockings which simply refused to actually...stay up! Since I could hardly go jabbing staples into my thigh, I cleverly lined up a row of sticking plasters/band-aids around the otherwise sexy lace-top, to get them to stay stuck to my thigh and it did the trick....for all of about 15 minutes. Yes, definitely one of those days where the little voice in your head begs and pleads that you don't get run over for fear handsome paramedics discover the abstract mess you've got going on underneath that elegant dress.

So...moving right on to my next update:

Ella (aka Ella-Bella) - the latest addition to our feline family
Remember that terrible dilemma and crippling guilt I blubbed about back in May, when we welcomed little Ella (formerly known as Mudd) into our home? I'm pleased to say she's settled in wonderfully and is a truly adorable, easy-going and fearless little girl. She seems to love her new home and quickly took up residence in the top level of the kitty condo from where she likes to do that bizarre feline chirpy/clicky thing as she 'stalks' crows and other birds on the neighbouring rooftops. Our cats are strictly indoor cats so she doesn't get to test her claws and teeth - other than the way she's helped Mel shred the fabric off one corner of the couch and has started on a second. Not too impressed with that part.

Ella (left) sharing the top of the condo with Mel.
Mel's tried to join her in the condo a couple of times (as you can see - very cute) but mostly he likes to swing from it like a demented monkey and swat at Ella's tail to get her to play. He's sometimes a little too forthright for her but on the whole they play well together, especially when it's Tube-Time ie the cat tunnel - the best $20 spent on a cat toy ever!

While Mel and Louis definitely seem quite fond of Ella, we've recently had to install an extra Feliway plug around the house because Louis has not only taken to being a little too aggressive with Ella and stares her down/chases her just for fun and intimidation tactics, but he's also taken to overgrooming on one of his forelegs to the point of creating a bald patch. Ordinarily he's a friendly, lazy and pretty docile cat, though he's evidently in a bid to assert some level of being Alpha cat that wasn't necessary before Ella came along. Perhaps because they had immediately accepted Mishka as alpha-cat and matriarch without further question. (Oh Mishka, we still miss you!)

On the whole everything is really good, Lorne loves Ella just as much as me, the boys love playing with her (she and Mel play a lot together) but just sometimes they get a little rough and purposefully chase her into a corner or until she hides behind the TV (Louis moreso than Mel, although Mel's taken to doing it too lately), so we're having to keep an eye on them and use a water spritzer to dissuade the boys from picking on her.

She's such a sweetheart and very affectionate, it'd be awful to see her become timid and anxious because of her rowdy brothers but so far she's handling it well. (Men, eh?!!!)

And, like Mishka before her, 'twould appear Ella's also a sun-worshipper. Here she is thoroughly enjoying the sunny spot created by the skylight just above our bedroom door.

Meanwhile, in the ongoing state of flux that is my professional life.....

Drifting from contract to contract
I'm very pleased to wave goodbye to my current contract - which ended today - wohooo! Grateful to be moving from the bum-wiping life of an Executive Assistant (EA) back to the world of marketing, writing/editing, desktop publishing and more creativity. Hard to believe I've only been in this current position two months, it certainly feels l-o-n-g-e-r! But it's served as a true reminder that my days as an EA are (and should stay) far behind me. I've moved onto greater and more challenging things, where I have my own job rather than existing simply to make someone else look good. It took a while to break the type-cast of being an EA several years ago and these past 9 weeks have been a distinct reminder of just why that role is not for me (far too much temptation to verbalize inner thoughts of "book your own stupid flights, you know when/where you want to travel, not me!" or "Instead of telling me to tell her to call me to set up an appointment with you so I can tell her your schedule and get her calendar to book her to speak with you and confirm it works for you then invite you and her to the meeting of you both - just pick up the Goddamn phone and call her yourself!" Half an EA's day is spent as a gofer, the other half as a go-between. While the person I've worked for this time has actually been pleasant, appreciative and easy to reach, I've previously been an EA for complete pigs who seemed to have the attitude I should do EVERYTHING for them and stick a broom up my arse to sweep as I go along.

As of tomorrow I'll be back to my old haunt, Omicron - full time contract and better $ - at least until late October anyway, so that nicely buys me more time to get on that whole job-hunting thaaang.

Anyway, that's my not-so-short jibber-jabber update. Now that I have a wee dram of Cask Strength Bowmore at hand, it's time for me to sign off and savour the rather delectable taste of Islay before bed.


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