About Me

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Vancouver, Canada
Originally from a small seaside town in the North of England, I lived and worked in France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and the Maldive Islands before moving to Canada in 1995 - where I intended to stay 'just a couple of years'. Well, I'm still here. I live with my fabulous (Canadian) husband, Lorne, in Vancouver's Westside, close to beaches & downtown. We opted for kitties over kids and are proud parents to 3 wonderful rescues; Mel & Louis, who we adopted in 2010, and little miss Ella, who joined us in 2013. I miss my family in the UK but luckily my sister and best friend, Victoria, lives just down the street with her family. I remain very European at heart and would love to move back there, even for a while. Hopefully I'll convince Lorne & the kitties one day. Besides, I'm fluent in French & German but rarely get chance to use either here. Outside of work I love photography, writing, making cards, working out, camping, kayaking, horse riding & most things really. I've always been an animal lover, support several animal protection organizations and haven't eaten meat in 27 years.
Words To Live By:
We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words. Anna Seawell (Author of Black Beauty)

Mar 24, 2010

Bronwyn and River

So in the blur of the past few months, I realize I have some photos of Bronwyn and River that I should forward and, now that I have this blog, I guess I could put them here too. Albeit I'm still familiarizing myself with the technical wizardry of my new Nikon camera body, I have taken a few snapshots that capture the humour and spontaneity of being around Bronwyn and River. I love their energy and curiosity and their intrigue of things that I've long-since taken for granted without even really meaning to.

Nothing like being around children to give you a reality check on what matters and what is really just 'stuff' - not to mention their brutal honesty at times. In spending time with them, and in seeing all the postings on Vicky's blog, they bring me back down to earth with a more honest sense of what matters and how to take pleasure in the moments that go to make up each day. A welcome respite from the all-consuming work stuff that often occupies my mind much more than I'd like.

Anyhow, here are some photos that make me smile when I look at them - I love River's crazy Albert Einstein hair and Bronwyn's perplexed curiosity of just about everything. It's so much fun exploring the world through their eyes.

(Unfortunately I haven't tried photoshop for getting rid of red-eye yet, but it's among the many things on my to-do list. I know, I know...you can do it in-camera, but have you ever tried to get excited kids to sit still while the pre-flash flash blinks away at them and not end up getting them with their eyes closed? That said, in an attempt to better capture such moments, I've just signed myself up for yet another photography class at Focal Point, this time a Wednesday night class on "The Natural Portrait" starting April 7th. Who knows, maybe I'll even (finally) get around to taking the family photos that Vicky has been asking me to do for....well, ...ages!)

Bronwyn had so much fun with this gluey-sticky-jelly-like alien thing that I got Lorne at Hallowe'en....it's now matted in cat hair and other goobers and has even left a grease blob on the living room ceiling after we threw it hard to see if it would stick.

And here's River... being so angelic and wild-haired which he does so well:

And here's one I took last weekend when we made a trip to the park. He just loves being on the swing.

Of course it also makes me miss Thomas and Hannah, Edward and Gareth more - not forgetting William whom I have't even met yet. It's hard to think of them growing up so fast and so far away. Hopefully they won't all have left school and got their driver's license before I next see them!


  1. I just love the photos of Bronwyn and River, how about sending me the one, of them sat together on the settee, it reminds me so much of when you were all that little, and brings back lots of lovely memories too. How about taking some photos of Mark, Vicky with the children too, and ask Vicky to take a current one of you and Lorne too.The Wordworth poem is one of my favourites, and your phots capture the very essence of the poem. Keep the pics of the flowers too, don't worry about their names, just make up captions. The daffys are only just appearing here in the UK, but they are a little later than usual.

  2. Argufying etc, made me laugh, so Dad! But it brought another song he used to sing, "we danced oh we danced on the night we were wed. We danced oh we danced cause the room had no bed" bet that gives you a giggle!!xxx

  3. Thanks, I'll be sure to send you copies of the photos :-) And I definitely intend to take more, especially since I've signed up for the new photography class - I'll need models for my assignments.

    Dad's little ditties still make me laugh, thanks for sharing that one too.



  4. here's the first nonsense ditty Dad sent to me in a letter:
    If you're feeling tired, then try this simple trick, buy a spurgalometer and a stamp to lick!!
