About Me

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Vancouver, Canada
Originally from a small seaside town in the North of England, I lived and worked in France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and the Maldive Islands before moving to Canada in 1995 - where I intended to stay 'just a couple of years'. Well, I'm still here. I live with my fabulous (Canadian) husband, Lorne, in Vancouver's Westside, close to beaches & downtown. We opted for kitties over kids and are proud parents to 3 wonderful rescues; Mel & Louis, who we adopted in 2010, and little miss Ella, who joined us in 2013. I miss my family in the UK but luckily my sister and best friend, Victoria, lives just down the street with her family. I remain very European at heart and would love to move back there, even for a while. Hopefully I'll convince Lorne & the kitties one day. Besides, I'm fluent in French & German but rarely get chance to use either here. Outside of work I love photography, writing, making cards, working out, camping, kayaking, horse riding & most things really. I've always been an animal lover, support several animal protection organizations and haven't eaten meat in 27 years.
Words To Live By:
We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words. Anna Seawell (Author of Black Beauty)

Jan 10, 2014

New Year, New Specs, a New(ish) Do and a New Weight (yikes!)

Well, I had hoped that I'd be kicking off the New Year with a wild and amazing first post, choc-full of profound wisdom, sage contemplations and exciting aspirations for the year ahead. And so I waited...... and waited.... and.... here were are, ten days in already, and I've still got nuthin'. Nada. Big fat diddley squat! Lucky I wasn't holding my breath.

Christmas is done and packed away, except for (too much) remaining chocolate, I'm back at work, back at the gym and whaddya know, things are ticking over just the same as they were in 2013. It's hard to contain my underwhelming enthusiasm really. Gees, I haven't even managed to come up with any pics for my Random Photo Fridays the past 2 weeks either.

So, while I continue to hope for some enlightenment and dazzling inspiration for 2014, I figured I'd blather about a couple of things that are new with me. Well, new-ish anyway.

Nine months ago I decided to try a new hairstylist - Sonia - who'd apparently replaced my previous guy at a salon I've been to a few times before. I'm always horribly nervous and skeptical of trying someone new and, while Sonia was very lovely, interesting to talk to and took a really long time over my hair, I left the salon quite distraught (inwardly anyway). Clearly Sonia had somehow confused a 2" trim with a rather dramatic 7" chop. My past-shoulder-length hair was suddenly about jaw-length, the shortest it'd been in four years and, quite honestly, I was not impressed. In fact I was really upset. I'd said 2 inches, indicated exactly where I wanted the length and at no point in our conversation and my showing her a couple of styles I'd picked out was there ever any discussion to the contrary. And it wasn't just a case of taking an extra inch - she took off seven!! I suspected she was going a little short but tried to trust her and figured she must just be doing a few shorter layers underneath etc., especially because my hair's so thick n'all. Wrong!

Let's just say I was still so choked about it the next day that I decided to call the salon and give my feedback, undeniably upset and with my voice breaking as I tried to explain. Thankfully they were very sympathetic and offered to have someone else fix it or a free cut with a different stylist if I'd give them another chance. I pointed out there wasn't enough hair left to 'fix' and it wasn't that Sonia had given me a bad haircut per se, just a much...much...shorter one than was ever discussed. Had I planned to get a full 7" cut off, I would've gone in there armed with a bunch of images and ideas of the new style I was wanting. I went in for a trim and came out with a CHOP!

Suffice to say it was a full 6 months before I needed to go back and in that time, I have to admit the style actually turned out quite nice, I got a lot of compliments on it and it even kept a nice shape as it grew out. So I updated my initial review on Yelp and in September, still cautious about giving Sonia another try, particularly since she might be p*ssed off at me for the feedback and the review I'd left on Yelp, I saw a different stylist for my freebie. Besides, you really don't want someone who's mad at you going anywhere near your hair armed with scissors or a razor! Noooo thank you! That'd be like p*ssing off your dentist then inviting him to drill your teeth.

Anyhow, I felt it was more of a tidy-up trim which was fine except it soon lost its shape and, after deliberating for a couple of months about whether to just go back and see Sonia again, I decided to take the plunge. I was nervous as hell but she seemed fine, lovely in fact, and I even mentioned that my hair had 'ended up quite a bit shorter than I intended' the last time I'd seen her. But this time I had a few images of what sort of style I wanted and she picked out the one that was actually my favourite too.

Although neither of us mentioned the Yelp write-up, Sonia was noticeably cautious in checking and double-checking that I was 'absolutely sure' I wanted to go as 'short' as the picture, i.e. collar-length, in view of how I'd felt the last time. But it's such a lovely style (plus the model has the same hair colour as me, even if I don't have her good looks) that I went for it and I was really happy with how it turned out even if I can't yet seem to get it to look quite like it does in the photograph, or if I do it's destroyed the moment I leave home, thanks to Vancouver's damp weather. Mind you, I generally prefer any new haircut after about 4-6 weeks, once it's settled down, so we'll see in a couple more weeks but on the whole I'm quite happy with it, I believe Sonia and I have re-bonded and hopefully I'm safe to go back to her again. That said, it probably won't be for a while because a) I've decided to grow it a little longer again and b) it costs close to $90! (Unlike Lorne who can get a great haircut for just $20! Men always get the better deal on these things, it's so ridiculously unfair and sexist!)

Once I had the new do, it was time to get new specs, not least because my eyesight has certainly deteriorated this past year (this aging thing sucks) and also because Lorne's annual medical benefits still had money available which will otherwise run out after 12 months.

I'm far-sighted and have only ever needed glasses for reading/computer and, as I mentioned the last time I got new specs, I've always tended towards discreet, safe and unremarkable (read relatively plain) styles. Although I distinctly remember that, when I got my last pair (April 2011) I felt they were actually pretty trendy and I was proud to have gone a little outside my usual comfort-zone.

I thought the new frames (right) were a trendy departure
from the safety of my usual 'blendy-blendy'  frames.
Interestingly enough a few weeks ago, when I asked Lorne if he thought I should get new frames, he went on and on about why the current pair are awful, too big for my face, too rectangular, too weird at the sides..... Yikes, steady on - I had no idea he felt so strongly about them. (Mind you, I only really wear them at work, so he hadn't been exposed to their apparent horr-orrrrr very much. Who knew they were so offensive.) So with that unfiltered, no-holds-barred confirmation that it's definitely time for a new - trendier - pair, I went shopping....everywhere! What a royal pain in the arse glasses-shopping is. I must've tried on at least 100 pairs at 7 different places and was feeling completely exasperated by the whole thing. For the first - okay second - time in my life I was prepared to go beyond the confines of my usual comfort zone and yet all I could find were boring frames, frames too heavy and dark for my face, or totally hipster styles....funky but better on someone half my age. I don't want to look old and fuddy-duddy, but I'm not aiming for the 22 year-old student-look either.

Very tempting but the price wasn't nearly as attractive.
I initially fell in love with this pair (right) but not their $475 price tag! At least I think it was this pair - the colours looked fabulous on me (purple-indigo and royal blue) - but the saleswoman wouldn't give me the name/model number or let me take a photo - too afraid that I'd run off with the info and shop elsewhere. "I'll just write it on your file for when you come back." Ha! Having done some online digging since then, I found out they're Mizyake Couture style #4643.

So I trudged around several more places and, just as I was starting to give up on the whole idea, I tried one last store - Tru-Valu Optical, where the incredibly helpful Fred quickly picked out a pair for me - also Mizyake no less - and, despite still trying on just about all the other frames in the store, the Mizyake pair kept coming out tops - and, at $300 total, considerably cheaper too. Done deal!

The greenish colour works really well with my hair and eye-colour, also green (my eyes that is not my hair) and the shape is just right, not too narrow but not owl-like either.

Mizyake MZ4312, Forest

Oooh fancy laser etching on the sides.
Right posh is that :-)
They actually don't look that great in this photo thanks
in large part to my big nose and dull 'I'm just staying
home today' attire.
Ugh, the above photo is neither a good example of my haircut nor my glasses - and my schnozz looks massive. In real life my new glasses are similar to the style worn in every conceivable colour by Kathleen Robertson, who plays Kitty O'Neill in the dark and intriguing (but now cancelled) drama "Boss". Anyway, I'm quite happy with my new specs even if they do look surprisingly (ie disappointingly) non-descript in the photo. I'm sure they look better in real life, she wrote, trying blame it on just another bad Iphone pic. But that's enough boring banter on the subject....

As for the new weight.....well, it seems I outdid myself this year. Despite not going seriously overboard with festive indulgence, exercising some restraint on hoovering my way through the choccies, mince pies, chips and other such treats and going to the gym FOUR times over the holidays, I still managed to inflate by about 6lbs - right up to 140lbs, the heaviest I've been in.....about 15yrs! Un-bloody-believable and downright un-bleedin'-fair given that I didn't even go as mad this Christmas as I have in Christmasses past and was diligent enough to work out several times. What the F....????? I feel so cheated. And hitting that ominous 140 mark was quite the shocker, let me tell you - especially considering this time last year my weight was dropping to below 130! Almost a full stone. (Why do we brits talk about our weight in 'stones'?)

Of course, in the grand scheme of things and life n' such, I am fully aware that gaining 6lbs over Christmas is really no big deal. But try telling that to my jeans - stretching their seams across my somewhat widened derrière - and the love-handles and bubble-bum that are making my trousers suddenly look an inch too short. (Interesting how the hem of your pants rises in direct proportion to the inches gained on your bum/hips?) Heck, it's been tough deciding what to wear for work....or rather what fits!

Naturally I've weighed myself on about 4 different sets of scales in hope the news would be less demoralizing but there ain't no escaping it. Just like everybody else - I've gained a few pounds but while they're talking about their New Year diet plans etc. I don't get to be nearly so pleased with myself this year, feeling all smug that I only gained 1 or 2lbs. Bah bloody humbug, I say!

So it's back to the gym, cutting down on the booze and treats (Baileys really is not conducive to a slimmer waistline) and I've resorted to trying a different brand of Garcinia Cambogia that I ordered off Amazon in time for New Year (yeah me and a gazillion others, I'm sure). I've never tried any kind of diet pills in my life but this slowly upward-creeping weight/size thing is really starting to bother me and, while GC is actually a health supplement, it's primarily touted for it's 'alleged' weight loss properties. I've tried 3 or 4 different brands over the past few months and have not noticed any difference, so this is definitely my last attempt. Even I have to admit I've likely just been totally suckered in by the hype but hey, I figured it was worth a try. Maybe. Anyhow, I'll give my final verdict in the weeks ahead.

In the meantime, I'll still endeavour to gather my thoughts and perspectives on how to make this a great year.

Happy New Year!

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