About Me

My photo
Vancouver, Canada
Originally from a small seaside town in the North of England, I lived and worked in France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and the Maldive Islands before moving to Canada in 1995 - where I intended to stay 'just a couple of years'. Well, I'm still here. I live with my fabulous (Canadian) husband, Lorne, in Vancouver's Westside, close to beaches & downtown. We opted for kitties over kids and are proud parents to 3 wonderful rescues; Mel & Louis, who we adopted in 2010, and little miss Ella, who joined us in 2013. I miss my family in the UK but luckily my sister and best friend, Victoria, lives just down the street with her family. I remain very European at heart and would love to move back there, even for a while. Hopefully I'll convince Lorne & the kitties one day. Besides, I'm fluent in French & German but rarely get chance to use either here. Outside of work I love photography, writing, making cards, working out, camping, kayaking, horse riding & most things really. I've always been an animal lover, support several animal protection organizations and haven't eaten meat in 27 years.
Words To Live By:
We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words. Anna Seawell (Author of Black Beauty)

Feb 8, 2011

Facebook Schmacebook

So, after almost one whole week of signing up to spurt out my little commentaries on "FB" and catching up on snippets of other people's info, photos etc and even posting some of my own photos from my UK trip last year (so family can see them....finally) - I've decided that I still don't think Facebook is really for me.

Maybe I'm fickle....and it was 'fun while it lasted', but I have to admit the novelty has quickly worn off and I still don't much like this slightly in-your-face feeling of being notified of every little update from everyone else's friends of friends of friends etc. - most of whom are still complete strangers to me. Perhaps I really am just anti-social after all.

But added to that, I got playing around on FB last night - doing the inevitable 'where are they now' search of friends, ex-friends, ex-friends-friends and ex-boyfriends - when I realized that your privacy settings on your own site aren't necessarily in place if someone goes to one of your 'friends' sites and then follows your comments on there....and then they can read your notes, see your photos etc. Like a back door to getting into your Facebook page - uninvited.

Which is sort of how I got caught up in evesdropping (what would the FB equivalent to that be, I wonder) on the lives of people I knew - at Uni, at school ......and when I worked in the Maldive Islands many moons ago - 16 years almost....eeek! To my significant/surprising envy, I discovered that many of them are still globe-trotting, visiting some outstanding places and obviously have some spectacular photos and experiences to share.....all of which merely served to add fuel to my fiery wanderlust and itchy feet.

 Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland 
For ten years I too was one of those people, to the extent that some of my relatives nicknamed me the Globetrotter. I lived and worked in France (Paris + Bordeaux), Germany (Trier/Mosel + Bonn), Switzerland, Belgium and the Maldives for several months at a time before finally moving to Canada.

 Maldives, Indian Ocean 

I successfully found jobs based in England that still took me all around Europe - sometimes several times a week/month. I spoke French and German fluently every day - flipping seamlessly from one language into the next depending on who I was talking to. I even found I could make up some Spanish, Dutch and Swedish based on what I knew of French & German. And yet it also feels so horribly long ago too.

I sorely miss using the languages - there's so very little opportunity here although I did manage some TV/Film translations and a stint in tourism for Intrawest for a while. There are aspects to my current job I quite like, but the company is moving more and more into projects with Alberta's oilsands and gas companies which I find hard to accept. You don't have to delve too far into their work to discover that oilsand projects are devastating to the environment - tantamount to raping and pillaging the land and wildlife as far as I'm concerned (and as far as David Suzuki is concerned too).

I'd be lying if I said I don't feel glued to the spot sometimes when I know there's still so much out there. And suffice to say, I want to travel and live somewhere else for a while. I go through this feeling quite regularly actually, it never really goes away, and each time I do, I start to panic about time and opportunity running away and life passing me by. At the same time, I get nervous of kidding myself about the grass being any greener so I try once again to just shut up, stuff it down and wait it out.... 'This too shall pass' right?.....but that's also what I'm afraid of. I'm not sure I want to keep letting it pass, I want to act upon it.

I know Lorne's feeling the same and since we sadly lost Otto (who's health was a major priority over us making any major life changes) the thought has once again crossed our minds to make a move, go on an adventure. So much to see that it often feels like there's too little time - unless you win the lottery, of course.

Anyhow, that's the dilemma....simmering away on the back burner.....again!

But for today, I think me and FaceBook will probably break up.

(P.S. Within minutes of posting this I thought I'd quickly google my blog in case my boss can find it.....and I came across another Katrina Wright.....doing something I'd love to do.....or should be doing. Heck, Lorne's an Editor - maybe we should do this together. Is it a sign?)


  1. Pink...very pink...

    I really think you're making too much of FB. Nobody really cares what anyone else is doing and you can change your FB settings so that virtually no one can see anything. It's just a simple of way of communicating with people. That's it. You don't have to put anything up there if you don't want.

    If you and Lorne are on the same page re: travel, then why don't you plan an adventure or go traveling. Just book it and go...what is holding you back really? I think everyone (in their 40s at least) gets the feeling of life passing them by. But resist the habit of looking over your shoulder at other people's lives... start planning your trip :)

  2. You've only been on FB for about four nanoseconds! Surely that's not enough time to decide it's not for you? I mean, honestly, you haven't even been present for (even if not involved in) any facebook drama!

    I know what you mean about travelling. We do a fair bit (a lot more than most of the people we know, anyway), but there's so much more of the world I want to see, I never run out of places I want to see.

    I just sent you an invitation to a travel deals website that might interest you. No spam, no pressure. :)

  3. Thanks Wendy & Vic - Feeling the cabin fever that comes with the Winter (aka monsoon) blaahs in Vancouver. Thankfully the rain should die down by mid-July.

    Thanks for the link Wendy - tried to click on it from your FB page but couldn't get it.

    Glad you guys had a good meal last night :-)

  4. I know this is an old post but I have to put my two cents in :)

    Ditto to almost absolutely every sentiment here. I use facebook for baby photo updates for family and friends and that's about it. If you get lost in the face-stalking aspect of it, it's no fun.

    The only thing I disagree with is you leaving the country. I can't take two break-ups in a year so you better stay put for the time being :)

  5. Thanks, good to know I'm not on my own :-) Although my confession is, I did give FB another chance and, while we still have our differences, we've almost hit the 3-month barrier - the make-or-break point in any new relationship. I've also made a point NOT to face-stalk those who are (probably?) exaggerating their 'my fabulous life' stories on FB. :-)
