A while ago on this blog, I made a confession......I confessed to my embarrassing habit of
onychophagia. In other words, being a life-long nail-biter (strictly finger-nails only, I might add - just to be clear!). Chronic nibbler and picker of my nails and the skin around them, to the point they were not only incredibly ugly but also sore, sometimes bleeding (bleedin' ugly, haha) and a point of embarrassment that I generally tried to keep hidden, hoping no-one would notice. Well, I am pleased to report that, since July of last year (when I made a valiant attempt to grow nice nails in time for my brother's August 9th wedding), I have not bitten them. Not only that but they're in great shape and to me they actually look pretty lovely these days :-). Check out these pics if you don't believe me:
All shiny and polished by my own fair hands no less. This pic
also shows off the lovely emerald ring my mum gave me when
I visited last summer. It was hers but she wants me to have it
and luckily we were both born in May and thus share emerald as
our birthstone. Handy that. (Get it....handy? Oh my, is there no
end to my enviable comedic talents?) |
Just to prove the nails are good on both hands now
and that I'm not sneakily nibbling one but only
showing the other. |
Anyway, I just thought I'd post this little update - more for myself than anything. Need to stay on track and keep myself reminded of just how much better (and less sore) it feels to actually have non-mangled-up nails that I'm horribly embarrassed by. And while I might still sometimes pick the skin around the edges, it's not nearly as bad as it was for a while there. I'm sure Lorne's relieved to no longer witness me with my fingers in my gob and hearing that awful chomping sound. Ugh, it's a nasty, icky, disgusting habit. Long may it be over and done with! Not least because a woman my age, who is ordinarily well-groomed and takes care of her appearance, should not be let down by relentlessly gnawing on stubby fingernails. Definitely not a pretty site.
So I hold my wine glass with pride - to long, healthy, shiny nails - cheers!
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